Southern Linc Consumer Code

The Southern Linc Consumer Code for Wireless Service:

  • Disclose Rates and Terms of Service to Consumers
  • Make Available Maps Showing Where Service is Generally Available
  • Provide Contract Terms to Customers and Confirm Changes in Service
  • Allow a 15-Day Trial Period for New Service
  • Provide Specific Disclosure in Advertising
  • Separately Identify Carrier Charges from Taxes on Billing Statements
  • Provide Customers the Right to Terminate Service for Changes to Contract Terms
  • Provide Ready Access to Customer Service
  • Promptly Respond to Consumer Inquires and Complaints Received from Government Agencies
  • Abide by Policies for Protection of Customer Privacy, including Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI)
  • Abide by the Unlocking Consumer Choice and Wireless Competition Act